5 Things to Know About Your Health

When it comes to your health, there is a lot of noise out there. ‘Try this diet, try that workout, fast, cleanse, try this supplement, eat this thing, don’t eat that thing’. It can be overwhelming.

While so many of these things are genuinely credible and beneficial, it’s still hard to sift through it all to figure out what works for you.

Here are some important things to keep in mind as you navigate the current world of health and wellness:

1.There is no “perfect” way to be healthy

Like I said, there is a lot of noise out there about “how” to be healthy. One message that seems to be (thankfully) getting louder is this:

Try different approaches that appeal to you, just one or two things at a time. Keep what you like, and let go of what you don’t. Find what works for you and rock it!

2.Fitness is more than just a fit body

When it comes to fitness, mental fitness is as important as physical fitness. The body needs to be its own ally, not at war with itself. Movement of all kinds and mindfulness are key components to this. Basically, the key to sustainable success with your health is to work on your body as a whole.

3.It’s not only about what you eat

Photo by Sander Dalhuisen via Unsplash

It’s common in this day and age to eat on the go, to eat while we’re driving, moving around the house, or while we’re sitting in front of a computer screen or TV. This statement isn’t meant to sound like a judgment—we’ve all done it! But it’s safe to say that our bodies are not benefitting from the anxious eating, mindless eating, or over-eating. So, like I said, it’s not only what we eat, but how we eat and who we’re being when we eat. Simply put, our bodies don’t fully benefit from the nutrients in our food when we eat in a “stressed” or anxious state. In fact, our bodies are more likely to store food as fat when we eat in such states.

4.Exercise is not one-size-fits-all

Again, movement is exercise, and exercise is important. Don’t like lifting weights? Start by taking walks. Don’t like running? Don’t. However you begin a movement (aka exercise) regimen is up to you. Once you begin to be intentional with your movement, you may begin to enjoy it. And when you begin to enjoy moving your body, you may find you want to try different types of movement like Yoga, salsa dancing, gardening, or strength training.

Is Yoga beneficial? Yes. Is strength training beneficial? Of course. But the most important thing about exercise is that you find what you enjoy. Because when you enjoy it, you’re more likely to do it consistently, and consistency is how we create habits.

5.Your Health Journey is Yours and Yours Alone

Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash

This doesn’t mean that you won’t benefit from workout partners, physical and mental support, a community, or guidance from a professional. But is does mean that you won’t benefit from comparing yourself to others. Your circumstances, your preferences, your style, your journey are yours. Don’t waste your energy feeling like you aren’t “doing it right”, or that you aren’t “doing enough”. What works amazingly for one person, might not work for you. And that’s ok. You just gotta do you.

To sum it up…

Health, fitness, and wellness come in many forms. You aren’t “stuck” doing it any one way:-)

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, and I’m definitely not your doctor. It’s very important to listen to your body and to know if and when you have any physical or medical conditions before starting an exercise or nutrition program. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise or nutrition program, especially if you have existing health conditions.


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